Terms and Conditions


Welcome to Reflex Champion, hosted at www.reflexchampion.online. By participating in our online competitions, you agree to abide by the following terms and conditions.

Eligibility and Participation

  1. To participate in Reflex Champion competitions, each participant must qualify by achieving a result within a predetermined threshold.
  2. Only participants who meet the qualification criteria will be eligible to win prizes.
  3. Participants must provide a valid email address, which will be used to contact winners.


  1. Prizes consist of authentic sports merchandise and are drawn randomly among all qualified participants.
  2. Winners will be notified via email from Reflex Champion.

Data Use and Sharing

  1. We collect personal data, including your email address, to administer competitions and distribute prizes.
  2. Your personal data may be shared with our partners and sponsors solely to enhance your user experience and provide you with the best possible prizes.


Reflex Champion reserves the right to update these terms and conditions at any time. Continued participation in our competitions after any changes have been made constitutes acceptance of the revised terms.

Contact Information

If you have any questions regarding these terms, please contact us at support@reflexchampion.online.

By participating in Reflex Champion, you confirm that you have read and agree to these terms and conditions.
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Typical F1 driver's reaction time is about 240ms, to beat that Tap when lights go out



Typical F1 driver's reaction time is about 240ms, to beat that

Tap when lights go out

click to start over

Total reactions measured :